Trumpster Intervention -Sherman
Sherman’s tough intervention script
You don’t get Adderall addicts to quit by telling them how bad the Adderall industry is for society. Maybe there’s no getting an addict to kick the habit, but if they do, it’s because of being convicted of the fact that they’re addicts. You can’t talk an addict out of a fix. It’s time for harsh intervention by those who are trying to deal with your Trump obsessions. Most experts tell us to walk away. There’s no talking to narcissists. Or they tell us to talk to them like they’re not addicts. Reason with them about details, point out about how what they’re doing is bad for society.
Those can work, but they aren’t working with most Trump addicts. That’s understandable. Trumpists have one core goal, and it sure as hell isn’t making America great again. It’s making every challenge to their fake moral authority fail. You say “I’m all in for Trump. I like his style. Sometimes I think he’s too out there, but you have to be bold.” And you claim being “all about saving America, securing our borders, and bringing a strong economy, Only Trump can fix that.” Sounds like you feel very mature about it, very thoughtful. You stay up on the news, do your own research. Would you like to be a helper and get more people to think about issues in an unbiased way like you? Well, most people think you’re kidding yourself when you claim you’re all about the issues. Most folks will call bullshit on that. Don’t understand? I’m sure you don’t understand any guess why I say people wouldn’t believe your claim that you’re an issues voter. What makes someone a critical thinker being unbiased, and what is bias? It’s believing stupid, wrong things. Got it? So you’re saying there are people like you and Trump, who know the truth, and then there are people who are biased because they’re stupid and bad. Bias means personal preference. Do you have any biases. You say it’s the media that is biased, it’s way off. Off the truth which you have, because you’re unbiased. Yeah, see, that’s a dead giveaway. That’s why people can tell you’re not an issues voter. Because you’re biased against getting it. Most people see you as a snowflake, afraid of hearing any opinion that disagrees with you. It’s all la, la, la, la, la, I can’t hear you. Now, you’re the snowflake. not tough, not bold. Have guns? Sure you do, and all sorts of macho ornamentation and toys to compensate for your snowflake trembling. That’s how most people see you! Just a guy in dress up drag, pretending you’re a macho man YMCA, get serious. Like you’re the unbiased, objective authority on what’s true and what isn’t. To most people, you sound like someone self pleasuring to the fantasy that you’re the unbiased master of reality. But you look like just another chicken hearted fool getting himself off on pretending that anyone who disagrees with you is biased, dumb and evil. You’re enjoying the joys of victim playing fake heroic paranoia. You look like a Trump groupie, a wannabe in Trump drag, pretending you’re right about everything. None of that has anything to do with government policy. You telling people that he’s been right about everything makes you sound like just another hungry, horny dupe with a big old man crush on the spoiled man baby getting away with pretending he’s always right because of suckers like you, it makes you sound like a sucker, not an issues guy, Trump has been right about everything so far? I’m sorry, maybe I misunderstood you. Didn’t you just say you want to be a helper in getting more people to support Donald Trump? Then you need to work on your delivery because you’re shooting yourself in the foot.
You don’t give off the impression that you know it’s your opinion. Instead, you keep pretending you’re some hero, genius, a hero who has solved reality, and that anyone who disagrees with you is biased, dumb and evil. Now, maybe you like shooting yourself in the foot like a masochist, jerking off to the fantasy that you’re persecuted by bad people abusing you. You’re just wrong. Maybe I’m sharing my opinion, which, if you weren’t such a chicken, you’d be able to hear without saying, la, la, la, I can’t hear you. That’s just how your bias works. Look, how would you feel if I told you I’m right about everything, and you’re dumb, evil and biased for not agreeing with me? I know you’re a jerk, exactly, and that’s why people can tell you’re just jerking off to your pretend authority. That’s how people can tell you’re not into policy. Many former Trumpsters now see that he’s a toddler pretending. He’s some comic book superhero with a magical superpower that makes him right about everything. People see you as a jerk jerking off.
I get it. You expect me to just take your word for it? I don’t, and I’m telling you people don’t and won’t. You don’t get to tell me what I’m doing. I know what I’m doing. I know what I feel, and I’m also passionate about making America greater still. Nor do I have to believe you when you tell me you know what you’re doing. I get to form my own opinion, and I’m telling you it, you’re just too much of a pussy to even consider any opinion but your own. You’re addicted, and not to policy, but to masturbating to your own pretend dress up heroism. You look pathetic. You just can’t see it because you’ve closed your eyes while you rub yourself off vigorously in the public square. I’m all about the policies. Not only do you pretend you get to tell me what you’re doing, you pretend you get to tell me what I’m doing. You pretend you get to tell everyone what they’re doing and no tag back, because you’re frightened of hearing anyone’s opinion but your own. A lot of people agree with Trump. He’s winning in your jerk off fantasy, he’s winning, but you keep making my point. He’s convinced a bunch of hungry, horny, fools like you that he’s always right. You think he’s right about everything because he says he is. Trump is a one trick phony, running on nothing but trying to get away with pretending he’s always right. You sound like a Trump wannabe, not a policy guy at all.
Talking about your particular perversion. You guys in your circle jerk, mutual admiration society, have decomposing Elvis as your man crush, just blathering about Hannibal Lecter, boat batteries, and claiming he’s right about everything because a bunch of gullible, scared, horny fools have fallen for his supposed boldness, Well, a baby throwing a tantrum is bold too. You’re all bold enough to circle jerk in the public square about what badasses you are for destroying America. We’ve got your attention. That means we’re right. Stalin got everyone’s attention. That doesn’t prove he was right. All it proves is that assholes and crybabies can get attention by throwing tantrums and pretending they’re right about everything. Going to make America great again? Stalin said he was out to make Russia great again. Every tyrant in history has claimed they were out to make things great again. Are you always this naive, or only when you’re jerking off to your hots for Trump? Are youa proud, bold, mega army? Exactly. You Trump wannabes are nostalgic whiners playing hero, dress up in your cowboy costumes and pretending. The only reason people see you as lightweights is that you’re disrespectful. Poor baby. You Trumpster shit for brain snowflake. Trumpists have forfeited all credibility complaining about disrespect.
Trump’s only two tricks are mocking people and pretending he’s right about everything. Assholes like you feel like that makes him a genius. You don’t notice the obvious. Anyone can opt for anything. It’s called a cheap shot because it’s easy and you’re not even good at it. You have the verbal combat skills of a seven-year-old. I know you are, but what am I? You’re so into your jerk off fantasy you have no idea how stupid you look. Trump will bring back Christian respect. A few days ago, he said Harris was born mentally disabled. He’s going to beat her policies like a dog. Yeah, there it is again. When you say he’s going to beat her policies like a dog, you can’t sound like a policy guy. You sound like someone getting off on professional wrestling or Desperate Housewives from outside your circle, children, you mega fanatics. Just sound like Catty, petty bitches getting off on pretending you’re always right. That’s exactly the kind of stuff we see online, like Meow. So catty, such a drama queen. Don’t you understand? How was Harris trying to make America fail. I understand you. I just don’t agree, and that’s my point. You pretend that everyone who disagrees with you doesn’t understand, because if they understood, they’d agree with you.
Which is bullshit, lots of people disagree with you. You just dismiss everyone who disagrees with you as biased, dumb and evil, very convenient for a chicken but totally unconvincing to people outside your circle jerk bubble. Sounds like you think Maga owns sentimental nostalgia. Well, you shouldn’t. Normal people play out their fantasies in fiction. That’s my point. Stop pretending you know anything about how to run government. Don’t you dare turn our nation’s governance into your little jerk off vanity project. Why can’t you stop pretending you’re serious when you’re just a lightweight. People look at you and see a guy jerking off to pretending he represents everything good about America. You don’t look like a patriot or a nationalist. You’re embarrassing yourself with your homoerotic dress up pretend idolatry. Now you’re gonna pretend you’re the skeptic, tutoring me on the importance of self doubt. You don’t know anything for sure, nobody does but you. So you pretend like you’re the authority on everything. That’s why you’re not credible.
Let’s get the policy then, what specific policies from Trump are going to beat Harris’s policies like a dog? Immigration, the economy, making America great again? Those are issues, but what policies? That’s all I need to know. You clearly have no idea what policy is. All you did was spew some slogans and fantasies. That’s a kid pretending superhero, and everyone who disagrees with him is a villain. Well, you’re no policy genius. There it is again. I know you are, but what am I? That’s all you’ve got. Toothless wonder. So what makes you a policy expert? I have a Master’s in Public Policy from University of California, but you’ll notice I didn’t say I was a policy expert the way you did. I think governing is way hard in a country with lots of diverse opinions and swarms of lightweight jerk offs like you pretending that by knowing nothing, you know everything, but I just told you about the policies, yeah, but I gotta believe you know better. I mean, you’re not dumb enough to invest in a company simply because its policy is nothing more than it will make lots of money and beat the competition like a dog, but maybe it will. Maybe is right, but you’re too timid to tolerate maybes. You talk like it’s a sure thing, like reality is some rom com that will end happily ever after with your man crushed Trump walking off into the sunset. You don’t know that for sure, and you pretend you do. Look, your opinion is not credible to me, and you are too much of a wussy to brave hearing a different perspective. “I’m not a wuss. I’m bold,” so you say, but you’re too much of a wimp to bear hearing a perspective from outside your circle jerk bubble, Then here’s my perspective. Listen up. If your fragile ego can handle it, I’m not going to keep repeating it. Your opinion doesn’t matter to me enough to keep talking to a brick wall pretending it’s a God-like superhero. Trump has absorbed about as many hungry, horny fools as he can get. There aren’t any more folks like you, foolish, scared and desperate enough to pretend you’re right about everything, and foolish enough to think that Trump is offering anything more than a childish comic book fantasy. He wasn’t talking to women when he said he would be their protector. He was talking to homoerotic man-crushed groupies like you, who are fool enough to believe he’s a superhero with magic. The rest of us see that he’s just a con man pretending he has an eternal winning streak, you won’t get more support than you have, because most people aren’t scared little bunnies playing macho make believe, dress up. Most people actually care about what happens next in America, and know that making government work isn’t easy as waving a toy magic wand. Trump has gathered all the scared little bunny rabbits and flak jackets he’s gonna get, and you guys are gonna be so embarrassed when your imaginary superhero falls from the sky because he has no superpower but his ability to control suckers like you. “No, you’re the sucker. You’re the snowflake, you’re the scared one.” I am a sucker. I do get scared. The difference is I’m human enough to admit it. Human life is scary. But here’s the difference, I’m not a snowflake who pretends I can’t be suckered and can’t be scared. You’re a snowflake because you can’t admit you’re human. You are not some human comic book superhero.
You closeted gay chubby chasers with your hard-ons for a brain damaged, fat, sweaty Elvis. Why do you think you’re a genius put down artists because? Trump taught you toddler taunts, like I know you are, but what am I? You suck at put downs because you let your brain rot too much. Jerking off to Trump let your brain decay. Someday, your eyes will be forced open by a bitch slap reality check, and you’ll discover you’ve been circle jerking in the public square to fantasies of making America terrible, not just for else, but for you and your kids. Just like the dick wads who jerked off to Stalin, they lived out their days in shame. If you’re gay for Trump, that’s fine, but get a room to play out your fantasies. Get the fuck out of the public square.