Deprograming A Trumpster
Has someone you love, know or just have to deal with, been transformed by hate talk radio into a political monster? Here’s help to bring that Trumpster back into polite society.
There is still a way back home when you learn how to deprogram a Trumpster.
Take the home study course that teaches how to not be a Trumpster, bitter-ender, asshole. It may be necessary to learn how to act like a human being again.
Here’s The YouTube Video Collection (unlisted) –Deprogram A Trumpster Channel
Trumpster devotees have been deceptively recruited by an authoritarian political cult. They often experience radical personality changes. Primarily, a psychologically diagnosable dissociative disorder. They clutch any cover story or retort to prevent having to face the facts, no matter how far-fetched.
Contain and Counsel First
Like taking a dangerous toy from a baby, the first step is to reduce and eliminate right wing media broadcasts, podcasts and video clips. Short video clips on big issues are the worst.
When you take away the influencers, and that can mean all sides for a start, it lets the mind and emotions level out. Next learn skills that help you discern facts that matter from feelings that can change. Basically, deprogramming starts with a reliable stand on solid truth.
So learn how to check if a story you hear on the religious station exists in print, broadcast or post. Can you harmonize it with 3 or more different types of media. Also, there are more involved and advanced methods to learn involving public records. The facts of the matter don’t care how you feel about them. Another approach when it’s time to break your media fasting is to use a simple process of elimination of each news service you can verifiably catch in a lie. Also learn to separate a channel’s opinion shows from news shows. Then start by ruling out opinion shows. The whole point is to develop your own opinion, not put faith in some media commentator’s agenda laden talking.
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