Trumpster Deprogramming Course Anyone Can Do At Home
Home Study Course For Deprogramming A Trumpster DIY and Private.
The home study course is centered around this page
Go through the articles and explore the linked videos by the greatest experts who know what they’re talking about. Work through it binge-style or a la carte. If you were following YouTube or Twitter alone in the dark when you were radicalized yourself, taking in this coursework as a replacement for that will accomplish a lot.
You will require a YouTube account and a YouTube Channel and then Subscribe to DEPROGRAMaMAGA Then you can track your intake of partisan bias. You must be logged in to your YouTube Channel for the full experience of the therapy.
What This Home Study Guide Will Teach You:
The Shared Psychosis Aspect of Trumpism
Trumpism Intervention Party
How To Identify A Narcissist
Why Some Women Follow Trumpism
Why Some Men Follow Trumpism
A Civics Lesson
Taking On The Big Lie
The Lincoln Project -Deprogrammed But Still Conservative
The Right-Wing Media Echo Chamber
Putin Antisocial Media Cyber Warfare
Have A Shot Of Asshole Vaccine
Q-anon Warning Signs -Words To Look For
Origins, Math, Trek Plus Anonymous
Identifying Trumpsters In Law Enforcement
Is There A Medical Treatment For Trumpism?
JR Bob Dobbs And The Church Of The Subgenius
How Isolation Leads To Trumpism
This project is always improving and expanding. Bookmark and keep coming back. A good way to use this course is to join using the membership form so you can receive email notifications of additional content to help defeat Trumpism in the USA.
This web site is not a joke. It is a practical non-coercive deprogramming method.
You and the whole nation are victims of a psychological war. Whether you believe or detest Trumpism, you are under attack by enemies foreign and domestic who are deliberately doing this harm. Trumpism has you gathering daily grievances and enemy lists. This keeps you fixating on manufactured outrage just to cover up a rip off. Trump assaults us with his narcissism. The right-wing echo chamber feeds the believer with hate talk. It takes more mental energy to maintain a hateful attitude rather than a grateful or optimistic mindset. The military mind control procedures propel the cultist further into extremism. Because the lies are so thin, you need to constantly explain not just to others, but yourself as well, and that takes more mental energy to invent or seek a new explanation and remember the cover story updates. This is the cycle of cognitive dissonance resistance logic. An enflamed mind, like inflammation of any other body part can lead to illness as severe as cancer. An emotionally excited mind is not a healthy one. Trumpism is an exhausting lifestyle. So, give IT a rest.
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